Every year for the past 20 or so years i have abstained from eating meat during Lent, but this "sacrifice" has lost its luster. I have found wonderful alternatives to meat. fake meats, tofu, veggies etc. This year i needed a challenge a real sacrifice. i'm not religious, i don't get ash smeared on my forehead. i give "something" up because i want to test myself. Regardless of what you believe in, Jesus seemed like a righteous dude and if he could test himself then maybe there is something to learn from self-sacrifice? Whatever. This year, along with the meat i decided to abstain from alcohol. (GASP) In the past, St. Patrick's Day always got in the way of this little test. This year i'm ready. Over under is 2 weeks in. I took the Over. Come Easter I'll be toasting, "to alcohol the cause of and solution to all of life's problems". -Homer Simpson