A while back the movie 'Independence day' was on television. I watched it because there was nothing else on and also because as it turns out, it has an all star cast. I realized a couple of things. One, this movie is what really solidified the Fresh Prince of Bel-air's role as a leading man, and two, the movie is terrible! Absolutely-shit smeared on your best shoes, late for an important interview-terrible. Granted it was never my favorite movie, but it got me thinking about big summer blockbuster movies, bad 80's movies, and how they compare to alleged "films". All this aside, it is not my intention to embark on a slanderous tirade about the quality of 'Independence day'. For all i know, maybe it sucked because like lots of poorly conceived futuristic movies that try too hard; it could not withstand the test of time, or maybe it's because the concept is weak and badly recycled, or maybe, just maybe its simply a crappy film, so what? I am mature enough now to see past that elitist art-house mentality that only Criterion Collection films and those directed by someone with a foreign sounding name are alone worth watching. Truth be told, some of the shittiest movies have brought me the most joy over the years simply because of their irreverent quality. But the fact that i love 'Showgirls' with all its plot holes and character flaws is not the point. The point is that shitty movies go both ways.
When i started Netflix i was eager and ambitious. I started watching everything. The critically acclaimed stuff, the popular stuff, stuff that came highly recommended all the things i always wondered about... and it hit me. A lot of these so called films are complete tripe too! I could not stand 'Blue Velvet'. I found it idiotic, and pretentious. I simply do not accept the hype. The genius of Ingmar Bergman is lost on me and 8 1/2 is overrated. There, i said it! I am not a yokel that cannot appreciate art, on the contrary, i can appreciate ART even if it is not acclaimed.
I say this because the other day i went to watch 'the Fast and the Furious' at the 2 dollar theatre and as predictable as it was, i enjoyed it. But i caught a lot of grief from friends who passed judgement on the movie. SO FUCKING WHAT if it appeals to the lowest common denominator?!? Maybe sometimes we need to just suspend all disbelief and escape our better judgement for 90 minutes and just have a mind numbing good time? I am not suggesting that we abandon all discretion, nor am i championing the nomination of Vin Diesel for an Oscar. But i can find value in mega budget-mindless explosion movies, not exclusively reserve it for hyped art house films. Perhaps my taste is all in my mouth, but after watching some "classics films" i cant help but wonder if they are great for the same reason that the Emperor's new clothes were?