Friday, May 29, 2009


In my life time i have seen the US/Mexico border go from a chain linked fence that divided two countries to a thicker and taller metal gate, then it changed from a gate to a wall. And then behind that wall another wall was erected and on top of that wall, barbed wire was added. So much money and energy has been squandered on securing that border. THEN- after 9/11 the shit really hit the fan. We had to protect our border from foreign enemies, which the minute men used as an excuse to declare open hunting season on Mexican terrorists. All this to protect ourselves from Mexicans who come to the United States to spread their religious ideologies, and steal all of our good jobs... That being said, you cannot imagine my shock and awe when i heard one of today's top news stories about the (June 1st) restriction, requiring people to present proper identification when attempting to cross the Canadian/U.S. border. So wait a minute, time out, all this time that we were "securing our border" to the South and pioneering all that Homeland Security bullshit, what have we been doing in the Great White North?

Let me get this straight. For years i have heard the redundant rhetoric about Mexicans stealing jobs; jobs that we all know GOD DAMN WELL, NOBODY wants to do; all the while letting educated English speaking Canadians just walk across the border without so much as requesting proper identification? What? Did we ever stop to imagine what jobs these highly qualified Canadians were taking from U.S? Do we care? I have never seen a Canadian housekeeper, nor a Canadian selling fruit on the side of the road, or washing cars, nor mowing a lawn. So what is this bullshit really about, America?

Your pro Canada, anti Mexico agenda is clear to me now America; you racist Jezebel. Don't judge me harshly, please; I was born here, i live here, and i love you America, but sometimes you disappoint me and fill me with shame. I wish you'd stop it and get it together. Get us some universal health care, help us with our distressed debt, truly and honestly leave no child behind and stop being such a two-faced racist bigot. ALSO, for Christ sake- if you are going to tighten one border, tighten both! Its like wearing fireproof pants with no top! ...And the rockets red glare with amber waves of shame-AMEN