Also, as i was doing my laundry on Sunday i found that Trader Joe's sells a 6-pack of the Spaten Optimator for $7.99. Sacrilicious.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tommy's has Best coochie
There is nothing like an exhausting day in Satan's lair to make a man not hell bent on fixin' viddles. I was tired and feeling lazy. So as i drove down Colorado on my way home dreading a cold cuts sangwitch for dinner, i remembered that i pass a Tommy's en route. And i thought, (at the risk of getting an attack of violent diarrhea) why the h
ell not. I pulled into the drive-thru and for $2.25 i got this filthy, disgusting, gut busting chili-cheese dog. Uh! GET SOME! You can see the grease glisten off the yellow wrapper which is clearly an indication of its vast nutritional goodness. Okay, okay, it's not made of rattlesnake, rabbit, and endangered snow leopard; but for $2.25 this is a hearty hot dog. And if you count that giant wedge of tomato and the half dozen pickles, this bitch is almost, almost-in healthy salad territory.
Also, as i was doing my laundry on Sunday i found that Trader Joe's sells a 6-pack of the Spaten Optimator for $7.99. Sacrilicious.
Also, as i was doing my laundry on Sunday i found that Trader Joe's sells a 6-pack of the Spaten Optimator for $7.99. Sacrilicious.