The place is actually called
Wurstkuche (
with an umlaut over the second u). Its located on 800 East 3rd Street in L.A. I read about it in Los Angeles Magazine's May issue:
cheap eats, and it came highly recommended by f
ellow foodies as a must try. Technically, i am violating the food blog rule by reviewing a spot that i have only visited once. But in my defense i was there with Mr. M and he ordered something different from me, and we sampled each others orders.
First of all, the 'purveyors of exotic grilled sausages' have a great set up. A fabulous menu which includes awesome German and Belgium BEERS. An even more fabulous layout, with a spacious cafeteria style dining room flooded with natural light during the day. (the tables are removed to make way for a dance floor @
nite) The crowd is a mix of the business set and hipsters who wear their sunglasses indoors while they eat. An apple lap top is set up in a corner providing the soundtrack to your meal.
That being said, i am not entirely sure why this place was reviewed as being a cheap eat location in Los Angeles. The 2 exotic dogs we ordered ran us $15.50, (Buffalo, Beef & Pork w/Chipotle Peppers topped w/ caramelized onions and Sauerkraut pictured above) and the 2 frosty beers were an added $12.00.(Spaten Optimator- 7.2% ABV pictured below)
The buns are not especially soft nor sweet nor sourdoughie (in a good way). They are in fact, a little too big to house the sausage. And even with the 2 free toppings they throw in, i am not entirely sure that this is a great cheap eats deal. All this aside
Wurstkuche offers a fantastic experience and i definitely recommend it to any and all sausage and beer lovers. This place does not need my 2cents, nor my $27.74 for that matter. As we were leaving, there was a considerable line forming to order dogs or beer. But i don't live Downtown, nor work there, nor "party" there so its unlikely that i will go back. This place reminded me of
PINKS; also a Los Angeles hot dog landmark that always seems to have a
DMV type line flanking its establishment. I see big things and a promising future for this place. However, for my money, i think I'll stick to one of those good
ol' victory dogs: a hot dog wrapped in bacon topped with onions and green peppers that you can buy on any street corner after a game, concert, show, night out at the local pub for about $2.50.