In a Homer moment of clarity I decided to do the unthinkably delicious- make a bacon apple pie.
I found 3 different recipes for bacon apple pie on the inter-web and as usual I took what I wanted/liked from each to come up with my own. I am not into plagiarizing or hijacking original thought so check out the recipes that inspired me:,122607applepie.recipe
6 apples: 3 Granny Smith and 3 Pink Ladies peeled, cored and sliced
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
1/2 tablespoon of pumpkin spice (I did not have nutmeg)
2 tablespoons flour
¾ cup of white sugar
½ cup of maple syrup
8 slices of fried chewy bacon
2 tablespoons butter (the real stuff)
Ready made crust (2)
cook: 350 degrees for 1hr+ (until the apples are cooked, sauce is thick and the crust is golden brown)
- Spend more money and get a better ready made pie crust
-Use 1/2 cup of packed brown sugar 1/3 cup of white
-4 tablespoons of butter
-More flour (2 1/2 or 3 tablespoons) or some cornstarch
-2 more strips of bacon, 10 in total
Making this pie is a piece of cake, especially since I did not make my own crust. The most time consuming part was peeling, coring and slicing the apples. The rest of the stuff is mixed together in a bowl. First the dry stuff mixed well. Next the apples with the maple syrup then add the bacon. I cooked the bacon chewy, not crispy. I let is cool and drain onto a napkin then I tore it into pieces. Lastly toss in the cut/diced butter. Fold together and pour into the crust. Bake, set and eat. See, cinchy. The hardest part is waiting for the pie to cool and set.