I never understood that comment. I don't see anyone else here, you did not say that shit to the wall did you?
All day in Hell i have been called a bitch. told: "fuck you" and i had a guy actually retract a "thank you" because as he put it, i did not do anything to help him. Two things come to mind. why do humans think that other people are supposed to fix their lives and their mistakes? And why are they so quick to personalize blame and then generalize the shame that is felt when that blame is misplaced with a response like, "don't take it personally." If we really did not want people to take things personally, we would not blame them, insult them and belittle them specifically. Its like saying your "sorry", as an easy fix-it-all response. We don't think before we act and for some reason we humans feel entitled. I have yelled at people and bitched them out but in every case i have never EVER said, "don't take it personally." if i am yelling at you and calling you names, i mean it. it may not be right, i admit. But there is no misplaced blame. I don't yell at the cashier at Trader Joe's because the old white lady hit me with a cart. I yell at the old white lady.
Why do we, as a society accept this shitty half-ass remedy to a much bigger problem; our lack of respect for each other? we cant allow ourselves to wash our hands of our responsibilities and then turn around and shit all over someone else because we have been raised to treat each other like shit and then say "sorry". I say, take that shit real personal like because that lady called you stupid, told you that you were useless, and then turn around and tell her that she is out of control and over the line- and generally being a bad human. When dogs take shits in the middle of the living room we don't hesitate to roll up some newspaper hit the dog on the snout and point our finger at them and exclaim, "Bad Fido. Bad boy!" Now, i don't think that's right by any stretch of the imagination, but as a society we thinks its totally acceptable. Therefore i say, if you act like an animal, then you should be treated like one too. "Bad Lady, BAD!" then i will tell her, take it personally...
*also for the record i don't believe in hitting animals unless its a snow leopard and its about to eat your baby. if your dog took a big nasty shit in the middle of the living room, that shit is your fault. you should take your pet out for a walk more often.